Sunday, November 25, 2012

Leftovers? Again?

So how many of you are trying to recover from the eating overload that occurs with Thanksgiving?  I for one feel like I have a food hangover after this weekend!  All of the delicious carb-filled sides, vegetables covered in cheese or creamy sauces and the desserts...oh the desserts :)  Now it's time to get back on track, but what to do with all the leftovers?!  Of course you aren't going to throw away all the food, but how do you use it and not continue to feel like a glutton? 

(*Image Source:*)

Here are a few of my favorites:

Crispy Turkey Tostadas

Turkey Shepard's Pie (use leftover potatoes - sweet or regular - and all your leftover veggies in place of the ones mentioned in the recipe)

Turkey Cranberry Quesadillas  (sub whole wheat tortilla, reduced fat cheese and no sugar added cranberry sauce)

For more recipes like these, you can visit Eating Well or The Greatist

Please leave your favorite ways to use up the Thanksgiving leftovers in the comments, since I'm sure we could all use some least I know I can!

Happy Eating! :)


  1. Waking up in the middle of the night and having a snack is very important to some people. And the correct ingredients are leftovers. Being able to whip up something with leftovers is a god given gift so to say.


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